As the nerve centre, the dashboard provides you a high-level view of courses, attendance statistics, user metrics, and progress for your institution. Its use of easy-to-comprehend graphics, that render data points as consumable visualizations, delivers deeper and granular insights for improvement.

Learning Materials
If students miss out on classes, they don’t run the risk of missing out a whole lot, like in a conventional setting. Instructors can make their content offline on Payil so that students who miss classes can still review the materials from the comfort of their homes.
It goes without saying that there's no dearth of distractions in the world. What better way to persuade students to absorb information more vigorously than through the employment of multi-modal aids? Payil’s environment is designed to a high standard to support different kinds of multimedia and empower multisensory learning experiences. Make maximum use of this capability to bring your classroom alive and boost learner engagement along the way.
Assignments needn't necessarily be dull and boring. Gauge students' comprehension and the effectiveness of lesson delivery by assigning quizzes, discussions, essays, or an amalgamation of all. Allow students to demonstrate their knowledge creatively and dynamically.
Set up rubrics to evaluate the assignments on the platform. Saving your time, quizzes are auto-corrected by built-in tech.
Furthermore, instructors can allot weightage for each category of assessment, contributing to the aggregate score. In order to generate the overall score or grade, all you have to do is enter the marks. The system, in accordance with the weightage predetermined, will compute the overall grade or score for you.
Instructors can also set up various grading periods. With grading periods, they can track how students are progressing over time.
Contrary to popular custom, rubrics will not just function as a compass for grading right on Payil; instructors can also make the same public and accessible to students, so they know the signposts to turn in the expected results.

Learners are more mature at this stage of education. They can formulate and propound their ideas in a presentable way. Allow them to screen, defend and validate their ideas through the discussions, graded or non-graded.
Instructors and students will never miss a deadline with details of all classes, courses, and assignments stored in one centralized location. In the case of special classes, instructors can schedule special classes with students based on need and availability.
On top of this, students can request one-on-one sessions, as needed. The instructors, using Payil's scheduling feature, can block sessions on basis of their availability. The feature, also, prevents overbooking and leaves the choice of accepting or rejecting a session to the discretion of the instructors.

Video Conferencing
When classes happen remotely, instructors can set up video conference calls to create a connected, engaged teaching-learning experience for students. Instructors can make the connect happen by simply dropping the video conference link on the platform. This is powered by the advanced interoperability of Payil; the ability to work with other apps to serve a flawless customer experience.
Analytics and reporting
As opposed to schools, managing the higher educational cohort can be tough given the different configurations of classes each attends. Nevertheless, maintain an inch-perfect tracking of learner progress in all spheres — students' performance, passing percentage, completion status, payment status, and so on — with Payil’s Analytics.
The admin dashboard allows universities to manage and supervise the performance of multiple schools or colleges from a single vantage point. Its consolidated view gives easy access to examine the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Greasing the wheels of administration, universities can also set up multiple levels of approval for approving student registration.

Payil is not just limited to teaching and learning, it extends strong backing to institutional administrators as well. To this end, the payment feature allows the management to optimize payment processes to the extent that there's a complete elimination of uncertainty. This function at your disposal, you can set costs for regular and special courses, schedule and auto-register students for payments, and track payment statuses.
Attract and win over new leads and retain your current audience by sending automated promotional messages via email and SMS through the Communication functionality on Payil. Whether you want to send periodic messages to students and parents alike about new courses on offer, academic and extracurricular activities around the corner, or important updates they must be aware of, this feature has got your back.

Propel learners on the path of continuous improvement, by having students on a constant feedback loop. Provide automated and annotated feedback to keep them up to date about their knowledge comprehension.